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Combat Procrastination - tips and tricks

Updated: Nov 6, 2024

How do you know if you are a procrastinator? Well, let's see... If you are looking at this blog and thinking, "I'll save this and read it LATER", you may just be a procrastinator. 😉

I have struggled with avoiding procrastination my whole life! Most of the time, I find myself winning the battle, but can certainly fall off the wagon once in a while. I've devised some tips and motivations that help me and may be helpful for you as well.

Procrastinators are people who are categorized as "someone who waits until the last minute to do everything. They rarely have things done on time and if they do, it has been done quickly and with errors". I feel that's a bit of a generalization. I think there are different levels of procrastination. Let's call the people who I mentioned above, Stage 4 procrastinators.

*Stage 3 Procrastinators: The ones who are similar to the above, yet find time to do what pleases them. They have a bit of self-destructive, rebellious nature. When people may try and encourage them or help them, they procrastinate even more! Eeek!

*Stage 2 Procrastinators: Those who avoid MOST of the harder tasks, getting the "everyday" tasks completed such as groceries, laundry, etc. This helps hide the fact, to the outside world, that they rarely get other tasks completed, such as banking, paperwork, that assignment!

*Stage 1 Procrastinators: The ones who get the MOST tasks completed in a day, but may avoid ONE major thing they have been meaning to do. Or those who have been meaning to do something which is not crucial, but they just keep avoiding it(such as cleaning out a closet, etc.)

Whether you are stage 1, 2, 3, or 4, it can be annoying, even to yourself! What can we do???

*Do 2 minute tasks. Everything is easier when it starts with baby steps. And you can feel better when you have at least accomplished something NOT part of the usual day-to-day tasks. You will finish your day with a feeling of accomplishment and a that can give you inspiration to get even more done tomorrow. 😊

*REMOVE/avoid distractions. Gravity is a very wonderous thing. If you have a task you've been avoiding doing, it's funny how gravity just pulls you towards the sofa, the bed, the chair so you can check your phone, laptop, t.v., magazine(you know... all the usual distractions). Unless you need the item to complete the task - REMOVE THEM!!!!

*Don't be a perfectionist! The accomplishment of completion should far outweigh the perfection for us procrastinators. And THAT is PERFECT! 😃 A certain type of procrastinator is due to people wanting perfection and then if that is not what they can achieve, they may put it off over and over again. But start to get in a different mindset. Know that completion is the goal and that makes it perfect.

*Get a Motivator! It's kinda like going to the gym. If you can't do it on your own, it's always easier when you have someone you trust to help you out. Don't be a martyr and don't be afraid to ask. You wil be surprised to know how many people are happy to help and may even appreciate the vote of confidence in them. As well, you may also be surprised to find those people may be in the same situation as you. You can motivate each other!!! Yay!

*Don't make tasks bigger than they really are. I read once(though I cannot remember who said it originally), "Procrastinating not only makes it harder, it makes it IMPOSSIBLE". So true.

*Give yourself a reward. You can use whatever motivates you. If there's no apparent deadline for things like cleaning out the closet, make your own. Then tell yourself you will promise a reward for finishing on time. Give yourself a movie, chocolate, pedicure, etc.

*Just make a decision! ANY DECISION! When you procrastinate, you send yourself signals that you are kinda lame and indecisive. Feel better about yourself - make a decision!

Is procrastination actually the fear of success? Success carries major responsibilities & it's easier to procrastinate. Do you really, really wanna live on the "someday I'll" philosophy?, as Denis Whitley once put it. I don't think so. We all wanna have that amazing feeling of accomplishment. It's easier than you think. Hmmm, I wonder if Nike might be onto something, "Just Do It". Kinda catchy, eh? 😉

I hope these tips are helpful in combating your daily procrastinations, and putting you into a better Mindset. They are my motivators. Give it a shot!

Thanks for tuning in.


Life Coach & Professional Organizer

Your Neat Life


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